National Center for Race Amity
Board of Directors
Jason Sweeney, Co-Chair
Owner and CEO, Boston Scoops
Marjan Yavari, Co-Chair
Co-Founder, Yavari Enterprises
Joe Voica, Treasurer
Senior Vice President, US Bank
Celeste Headlee, Secretary
Journalist, author, and CEO of Headway DEI Training
Djuana C. Beamon
Chief Diversity & Corporate Social Responsibility Officer, Empower
George Halvorson
Chairman and CEO (Retired), Kaiser Permanente
Andrea Kelton-Harris
Andrea Kelton-Harris, DEIB Director, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
Barrett Coker Krise
Partner, Bell Oaks Executive Search
Herb Landsman
Executive Vice President for Merchandising (Retired), The TJX Companies
Howard Ross
Founder, Udarta Consulting, Author and Activist
National Center for Race Amity
Board Members Emeritus
William H. "Smitty" Smith
NCRA Founder and CEO
William E. Davis, JD
Administrator (Retired), State of California Judicial System
Robert Henderson
Principal, Henderson Consulting Group
Jillian K. Kelton
Chief of Student Services, Boston Public Schools
Nancy Huntington Stager
President & CEO, Eastern Bank Foundation
Newcomb R. Stillwell
Co-Managing Partner (Retired), Ropes & Gray LLP