National Center for
Race Amity

The National Center for Race Amity develops forums, workshops, service projects, films and other initiatives to advance cross-racial and cross-cultural friendship.

We move the public discourse on race beyond the blame-grievance-rejection framework to one that recognizes and celebrates our ability to overcome racial prejudice through association, amity and collaborative action.

What is Race Amity?

Race amity is the “other tradition,” a tradition of close interracial partnership and collaboration that has served throughout our history as the moral counterweight to the dominant tradition of racism and oppression.

Watch this 6-minute video for a quick overview.

Featured Events

Learn from the Past

See how close cross-racial/cross-cultural partnerships have served throughout our history as the moral counterweight to the dominant tradition of racism and oppression.

Build a Brighter Future

Draw on the power of cross-racial/cross-cultural partnerships to move toward our nation’s founding promise of “E Pluribus Unum” — Out of Many, One.


News and Stories

2024 Race Amity Day Highlights

2024 Race Amity Day Highlights

Well over 100 Race Amity Day celebrations were held around the country in 2024. Some included state, city or county...

NCRA Adopts UnityWorks

NCRA Adopts UnityWorks

UnityWorks has been collaborating with the National Center for Race Amity on educational programs and workshops for over a...