National Race Amity Institute
Programs and Activities
These are some of the programs that will be offered at the National Race Amity Institute after it opens in 2024.

Campus Conversations on Race
Through this peer-training program, college students gain experience in leading meaningful conversations on topics of race, diversity and inclusion. Students from the campus conversations have trained students participating in the recreation of the Freedom Ride.

Race Amity Theater Project
High-school students perform acclaimed one-act plays on race amity for middle-school audiences and for the general public throughout the year.
Anne & Emmett: Janet Langhart Cohen’s award-winning one-act play is an imaginary conversation between Anne Frank and Emmett Till, both victims of racial intolerance and hatred.
Xernona and the Grand Dragon X: This play tells the story of the friendship that developed between Xernona Clayton, an African-American Civil Rights leader, and Calvin Craig, a Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan. It was his friendship with Xernona that convinced Calvin to publicly renounce the KKK in 1968.
Race Amity Leadership Academy
The Race Amity Leadership Academy (RALA) provides high-school sophomores, juniors and seniors with powerful interracial and inter-cultural experiences—including field trips, speakers, media experiences and service projects—on Saturdays during the school year.

UnityWorks Educational and Corporate Training
Using the UnityWorks model, the National Race Amity Institute will offer professional development, educational resources and ongoing support to teachers, school administrators and community and corporate leaders. The goal of UnityWorks training is to build local capacity for positive curricular and organizational change.
Race Amity Leadership Symposiums
Offered annually on Race Amity Day (2nd Sunday in June) in Boston and Atlanta, the symposiums will feature presentations by thought leaders such as Howard Ross and Celeste Headlee.