Amity & Brotherhood For Education – DVD

(26 min, available for streaming purchase or rental through Vimeo on Demand)

Outside of Brown v Board, one of the most impactful actions affecting the education of African Americans in the United States was a private project which built over 5,000 schools, mostly in the south, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

This incredible enterprise served as the backbone for black literacy in the American South and was carried out through the collaboration of two men, one black and one white.

Julius Rosenwald, a member of the white financial elite in America, and Booker T. Washington, an innovative and controversial black educational leader, shared an incredible and unwavering tenacity in pursuit of that vision.

Their deep friendship created a personal association rarely found in 21st-century progressive circles.

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Dimensions 6 × 9 in
Purchase Pricing

Home Video (Personal home viewing) $29.95, K-12, Public Libraries & Select Groups (For Unlimited Exhibition) $89.00, Non-profit Groups/Organization/Individuals (For Unlimited Public Exhibition) $59.00, Universities, Colleges & Business Institutions (For Unlimited Exhibition) $295.00



