NCRA held two workshops on May 7th to encourage allies from sixteen states across the United States to pursue state level proclamations declaring June 14th, 2020 Race Amity Day.
A major tool to help this expansion is a newly established and easily used link to the office of governors in all fifty states. Most Governors ask requests be made 20 to 45 days prior to the date required. This is adequate time for Race Amity Day allies to take action for this year. NCRA urges readers to champion this in your states by downloading the State Proclamation Guidelines.
The following information is offered to assist your preparing the proclamation request:
Purpose of Race Amity Day
The purpose of Race Amity Day is to recognize that the people of our nation are its greatest asset. Further the purpose is to recognize our nation is comprised of multicultural, multiethnic multiracial citizens, and to encourage friendship, collegiality, civility, respect and kindness among them. Race Amity Day is a time to celebrate the commonly shared ideals of the collective citizenry of our nation by encouraging communities across the United States to reflect on the beauty and richness of the diverse peoples with a spirit of amity toward one another.
Suggested Language for Proclamation

Click button below to view suggested language for proclamation
Allies of Race Amity Day let’s get your state on board!