National Race Amity Conferences
NCRA’s flagship initiative is the annual National Race Amity Conference, generally held in November each year. The conference brings together prominent authors, thought leaders, activists, students, and others who share practical experience and learning about harnessing interracial partnerships in pursuit of access, equity and social justice.

2024 National Race Amity Conference
Theme: Toward E Pluribus Unum: Sharing Our Work Within and Across Sectors
Dates: November 14-16, 2024
Location: UMass Boston campus
The 2024 National Race Amity Conference will focus on building a broader and more connected national community in the work to advance access, equity and social justice. To that end we are focusing on purposely fostering new forms of partnerships and collaboration across sectors — including business, nonprofit/government, education, religion, arts, sports and entertainment, and student sectors.
Roots of the Race Amity Movement
The National Race Amity Conferences draw inspiration from and continue the legacy of the First National Race Amity Convention, held on May 21, 1921 in Washington, D.C.
From the Convention’s Mission Statement:
“The great work we have to do and for which this conference is called is the establishment of amity between the white and colored people of our land. When we have put our own house in order, then we may be trusted to carry the message of universal peace to all mankind.”
Learn more about this groundbreaking event in this 16-minute video:
Upcoming Events
Conference News
2020 Virtual National Race Amity Conference
Joy DeGruy, Rainn Wilson, Celeste Headlee, Howard Ross, Debbie Irving, and Roy Jones, are among the presenters scheduled for this year’s virtual National Race Amity Conference November 18-20. The conference will provide an opportunity for continued discussion of the...
9th Annual National Race Amity Conference Highlights
The best race amity conference yet” was a frequently heard comment among veteran attendees at the ninth annual National Race Amity Conference held November 21-23 at the Boston Marriott Quincy.
The National Center for Race Amity (NCRA) and Mesa Community College announces First Annual Southwest Regional Race Amity Conference, October 4-5, 2019
The National Center for Race Amity (NCRA) and Mesa Community College announces First Annual Southwest Regional Race Amity Conference, October 4-5, 2019 at Mesa Community College in Phoenix Arizona. Mesa Community College, the nation’s largest post-secondary two-year...