NCRA Announces Production of Half Hour Series For 2020 Based on An American Story: Race Amity and The Other Tradition

NCRA and WHS Media Productions who teamed to produce the ground breaking documentary, An American Story: Race Amity and The Other Tradition, airing on public television stations across the nation, announced that the program concept will continue. Initial funds to underwrite continued production of additional programs has been secured.

Project creator and co-executive producer William H. “Smitty” Smith said, “the overall goal of producing the first hour-long program was to get the concept of race amity and The Other Tradition on the race dialogue dance floor”. “Now we have the opportunity to go deeper into the richness of the moral legacy of the Other Tradition”, he added.

“The Other Tradition”, coined by Dr. Richard W. Thomas, Professor of History Emeritus at Michigan State University, has served as the moral counterweight to the tradition of racism in America. It is centered on close cross racial/cultural friendship to advance access and equity. Smith said the funders of the continued production will be shared in a special announcement and video in March 2019. The projection is that the five half program series will begin airing on Martin Luther King Day in 2020.